The Japanese Story -Questions for discussion

1.Describe the physical appearance and mannerisms of Sandy and Tachibanna.Do they reinforce or challenge the stereotype of males and females of a particular nationality? (dressing,personality traits,style of communication,habits,likes and dislikes)
eg. Sandy : talkative /smokes a lot
Tachibanna : quire reserved,accented pronunciation/how to say no/sits at back of car/switches channel on car radio from rock songs to Japanese music.

2.Sandy's mother is quite morbid as she likes to cut out and collect obituaries.Sandy accuses her mother of being sick as she is interested in Death.Her mother retorts,'There is nothing sick about death.It's part of being alive".This statement is a premonition that prepares the viewer for the climax of the story.What is this climax?

3.Tachibanna is impressed by the vastness of the mine,the machinery and the open space of the desert as compared to the enclosed space in Japan.
-"In Australia there is a lot of space and no people and in Japan there is a lot of people and no space.There's nothing out there.It scares me."
Is the setting important in the plot of this movie?

4.How has the misadventure of being stuck in the bog affected their relationship?

5.Tachibanna isn't expressive/demonstrative.Look at his reply when Sandy asks him if he loves his wife?

"I don't need to say it,when I say it then it's not true."

How does Sandy express her interest in him?

6."Stop snapping photos and start experiencing life."Is this an analogy that has a deeper meaning or a casual remark about Tachibanna's habit?

7.Why does Sandy have an affair with Tachibanna knowing that he is a married man and why does he fall for her?

8. How does Sandy react to the sudden death of Tachibanna?

9.How does Tachibanna's wife handle the fact of her husband's death and infidelity?

10.When Sandy's mother wanted to send a condolence card to Tachibanna's wife,Sandy replied that she can't send a condolence card to a complete stranger from a different culture.What is the connotation of Sandy's mother's statement about the universal themes that transcends race and culture?

"Some things are the same the world over"

11.According to the scriptwriter,Alison,the story explores the theme of the fragility and transience of Life.How is that theme rel;ated to the cherry blossoms in Japan?
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