What do you think?

Questions for Discussion

Gulliver's Travels

Yahoo! I've passed my tertiary entrance exam. Is it a flattering or derogatory term?

" Yahoo" is another term for human and was coined by Jonathan Swift in his novel.Is it a flattering or derogatory term?
What are the physical and mental attributes of Yahoos?

Have you ever been around a toddler who keeps asking the question"Why?"
Does your teacher call on you in class with questions from your homework?
Do your parents ask you questions about your day at the dinner table?

We are always surrounded by questions that need a specific response.
But is it possible to have a question with no right answer?

The following questions are about the novel "Gulliver's Travels".

They are designed to help you look at the people,places and events in the story from different angles.These questions do not have specific answers.Instead,they might make you think of the story in a completely new way.

1. Why do you think Gulliver has a constant need to travel? Have you ever felt a similar need? Where would you most like to travel to?

2. Gulliver keeps finding lands within our world that he didn't know existed.Do you think it is possible that such lands are really out there?If you were to create a new world,what would it look like?
( Maybe like the world of Pandora in the latest moviebuster "Avatar"!, BTW what is the meaning of the term Pandora which comes from Greek mythology ?" Don't open the Pandora's box for what is released from the box might not be a " blessing in disguise")

3. Of all the places Gulliver visits,the only one he wishes to stay in is the land of the Houynhnms.Why do you think this is?

4. Once on Luggnagg,Gulliver learns about the Struldbrugs,creatures that live forever.How does his opinion of them change over time?
Would you want to live forever? Why or why not?

5. How does Gulliver change from the beginning of the book to the end?What do you suppose he learned from all of his travels?Have you ever learned anything from a trip you took?

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