Successful attitudes towards learning


It's been a month since you've embarked on this journey.Some of you may be starting to feel sea sick and some may be lost.Please don't use the old methods of study habits you've acquired from past experience to apply to this course.You are now running a MARATHON and stamina and perseverance are vital passports to success.
Good luck to the last minute worker for you may start experiencing the mountain loads of stress if you procrastinate as every assignment,quiz and project carries more marks than the final exam.
College is very different from high school.New and different types of learning are demanded,and you need new skills and techniques to meet these demands.

1. Start with a positive attitude
2. Build your concentration ( reduce your late night DOTAing or football matches)
3. Strengthen your comprehension.

1. Stick with a reading assignment.Consider highlighting,outlining,drawing diagrams ,preparing vocabulary charts

2. Reading is not something you can rush through.The time you invest will pay off in increased comprehension.

3. Actively search for key ideas as you read.try to connect these ideas with what your instructor is discussing in class.

4.Think of reading as a way of unlocking the writer's message to you,the reader.Look for clues about the writer's attitudes,opinions and beliefs.This will put you in touch with the writer as a peson and help you understand his or her message.

5. If all else fails, try to do something else to relieve stress like exercising,watching a movie or playing music.
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