Emotive language

Emotive language relies on the feelings and emotions associated with words rather than just their literal meanings to influence and persuade.

Examples: I am firm,you are obstinate,he is pig-headed.

A fluent and forcible speech delivered by members of our own party is eloquent.
The same speech by a member of the opposite party is bombastic.

What is the connotation of " an incurable romantic" or " a love sick swine" or "lovelorn"?

What is the connotation of being " madly in love" and " head over heels in love"?

What is the connotation of " stop bugging me" and " do not disturb " ?

(I'm trying to finish my assignment at the 11th hour) Older brother to irritating sister
(Can I borrow your car mom to take my girlfriend on a trip) Mother's turning down plea of teenage son who has just gotten his learner's driving licence.
Posted outside the cage of a sleeping tiger
A sign on the door of the oral interview room
Posted on the door of a hotel room
( I'm in the middle of an important meeting with a client) husband on the handphone
1 Response
  1. Tour Guides Says:

    Hi gals and guys

    Any clues /answers