Format of feature article

Too much of a good thing (HEADLINE)

The dangers of excessive food consumption

By Sharon Lee Hua Ying (byline)

Ist para- attention getter -use shocking facts/statistic

2nd para - interview doctors, parents to get their personal viewpoints

3rd para - relate personal anecdote -interview a former patient and the health benefits of being fitter

4th para -evidence supported by research done by universities/medical professionals

5th para- wrap up with a rhetorical question/quotation(don't use finally,to conclude)

You may use colloquial language,idioms, conversational language in a feature article.


When making a speech,remember to address the audience

Good afternoon Mr Jones,the principal of Hudson College,fellow students and members of the PTA,---------etc

End a speech by thanking your listeners-Thank you for listening to my speech/.Lastly thank you for spending some time to listen to my speech and I wish everyone here all the best in the coming exams
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