Supplementary Reading

Advantages of multilingualism/Linguistic diversity

1. children have exposure to another culture so rather than thinking there's only one way to everything,learners stay open to everything,learners stay open to possibilities as they know from the start that different peopple do things differently.And that it's alright.It's not a better way of doing things,it's not worse.It's just different.

2.multilingual learners build bridges to new relationships because they have the capability,they can talk to diverse people,they build different sorts of relationships and they can be the bridge between two people who can't talk and understand each other-they can actually translate and help out.

3.They have economic advantages-they are more in demand in a globalized working environment where languages are the only barriers when geographic barriers are no longer barriers to doing business.

4.more flexible and divergent thinking.Kids who grow up with several languages think differently.They know from the start there could be more than one word to one their minds stay more flexible

5. boosts the self esteem and self identity of a child.The child sees himself or herself as a language or culture bridge.


1.a bilingual child starts speaking 3-6 months later than a monolingual child

2.a temporary moxing of languages as the child mix up different words ferom different languages into one sentence.this is normal until 4 years old.

3. extra academic workload-extra effort

Multilingualism in cyberspace

1. language -foundation of communication between people and is part of their cultural heritage.Language has far reaching emotive and cultural associations and values rooted in their literary,historical,philosophical and educational the users language should not be an obstacle to accessing the multicultural heritage available in cyberspace.The harmonious development of the information society is only possible if availability of multilingual and multicultural information is encouraged.

2.In 2000,more than 50% of internet users were not English speaking.This % has not stopped growing.In March 2003,over 60% of users had a home language other than English.
Cyber surfers are categorized aacording to their mother tongue.Spanish speakers include users in Spain,Latin America,those in the US or Morrocco but the dominance of English as the main language of international exchange is unlikely to change.

3.It is suggested that local communities on the Web should first use their own language to circulate information but if they wish to make it vailable to the global community,the information can be translated into English.This linguistic diversity is important to freedom of thought and the survival of Modern Man.

Language is a part of culture and culture is a part of language. Presentation of an argument in a way that sounds fluent and elegant in one culture may sound clumsy and circular by members of a different culture.Language involves more than knowledge of grammar and lexis but also features of the culture such as tone of voice,appropriate topic of conversation and non verbal language.

It's not only what you say but when you say it and how you say it.
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