Cross talk

Use euphemisms,idiomatic expressions,registers and slang and exclamations to make your drama dialogue more lively and not so stilted.

Spice it up! Jazz it up!

This is an exercise in jigsaw speaking.Two people are paired up .
Each is given an envelope with a dialogue in it.
They rehearse their respective dialogues ,practising the dialogue using the appropriate pitch,intonation,accent,volume and regulating the pauses and timing for dramatic effect.
They have to visualize the mood and mannerisms of the speakers as well as practise the appropriate gestures and facial expressions.
They must not consult or listen to what their partners are doing.It is preferable that they practise in adjacent rooms and a full length mirror is available for them to see their own expressions.

Person A (female)
Person B ( male)

1. I heard that you would like to (A)
hire a part-time worker.

2. Would you like a cock or a hen? (B)

3. Mmmnn,if you don't mind me asking,
what are your rates? (A)

4. For a male,it's $9.50 per kilo and for the female,it's $5 per kilo (B)

5. That's a ridiculously low rate
for females.This is simply outrageous!
You're practising sex discrimination.
I'm going to file a complaint at
the Labour office to charge you. (A)

6. Miss,I'm not trying to outrage
your modesty!I swear I'm innocent.Me,I'm a good guy.I just
follow what the rest in the market charge.(B)

7. How dare you!Are you accusing me of lying?Show me your evidence. (A)

8. You can look with your own eyes.Check out this one! This one is not a tough bird,see it's so tender.Take my word for it,I'm giving you a fair price-not a
cent more,not a cent less.What would you like? - drumstick or breast?(B)

9. You're nuts!What on earth am I going to do
with a drumstick?I'm practically tone deaf. Hey,say again,are you trying to make a proposition to me?Hang on!let me get out my mobile phone.(A)

10. Gee! you brazen hussy,are you buying or not?I've told you a
million times the flesh here is really fresh.(B)

11.Aha! caught you red handed.Now I
have solid evidence that you are getting fresh.Man! You're DEAD MEAT. (A)

12. This is a real rip off!You're getting on my nerves with your
cock and bull story.
Are you looking to pick a fight with me?Cock a doodle doo,I'll show you who rules the roost here!!!(B)

(this is an original piece)

please do not plagiarise

all rights reserved and cursed and actors will
need to inform the writer before you reHEARSE)
Ms. Chan
forewarning(copy at your own doom)
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